September 8, 2014

24.19 | 36 weeks

A post I had prepared was graciously deleted by both Olivia and my fat fingers. Here's a recap:

Two weeks ago, on Friday, I switched doctors even though I was 34 weeks into the pregnancy game. The fact that they took me in was a mere miracle considering I was I am in the third trimester and barely had an medical records of my current pregnancy. While I was seen by the new doctor, he told me I was actually 34 weeks versus the 35 weeks that I was under belief. I was bummed. Mainly because I feel so done with being pregnant and I had quite the little breakdown about this knowledge the following night because, obviously, hormones and I just really felt overwhelmed. 

Saturday, I went in to get some blood work done which included the wonderful sugar test (yuck!). Results were sent into the doctors office and since I never heard from any of them, all was well. 

Tuesday evening I had an ultrasound, my second one in this pregnancy. I saw the chubbiest cheeks on that screen that we later joked that this baby probably ate a twin (just kidding, we know you didn't!). I felt somewhat guilty as if I had neglected my own kiddo by not having an ultrasound done sooner. It felt good to see him and know that he was 8lbs and 1 oz (this was last Tuesday, one week ago). I read somewhere that towards the end of a pregnancy, the baby gains an ounce a day. Which means, you should probably come out now before you hit the 9 lbs my friend. Thanks!

Besides seeing the baby that day, the absolute best news the ultrasound tech gave me was that my due date, was off. Not by a couple days or anything, by a month! Based on all the sizes she took down, I am ready to go. You better believe this gave me energy that I didn't know I had before. I am over the moon about that piece of information and I'm only hoping she's right. Contractions have not stopped happening throughout my days and they make me alert even though I know that they are all the fake ones. 

The following Friday I saw a doctor again and once again, all was well. She mentioned that she saw the sizes and when she measured me she saw that i was probably a week off, no big deal and they were keeping my due date the same. We confirmed the hospital where I should be delivering and that's finally done and mostly over with (still have to pre-register). 

Nothing really happens at doctors appointments from now on besides measurements and seeing if I'm dilated at all, so that'll happen this Friday. Looking forward to that...not. 

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