July 16, 2014

7 months // 24.11 weeks old

I thought I pressed post? These pictures were taken this past weekend and as you can see, I look and sometimes feel ready. This is 7 months and it makes me wonder how I'll look at 9 months+ because I sure feel huge. Jesus even told me, 'I'm pretty sure you're 8 months. I'm sure the doctors are wrong...' 

Baby moves around quite a bit and his favorite spot is below my ribs (just like his sister) and one difference from the last two, contractions wake me up at night. This one is quite different. Yes, we all experience some mild contractions before 'go time' but there's one specific one that I recently had that made me think, wait, this feels too strong. Even though I knew it wasn't anytime near the time to freak out, it did freak me out. But, I must say, it has gotten me so much more excited. We've gone out to buy so many new little things for this babe to wear and I washed a good batch of it because I couldn't contain myself. I'm excited to hold him and put a face to he name. 

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