May 9, 2015

On Monday, May 4th

Isaac finds Olivia's doll quite entertaining. He tries to bite her toes and hands and desperately wants to just hold her, but she's too big for him to carry. 

Olivia is usually the first one up and always the first one at the table. She's had this thing this week, where she keeps taking her shirt off whenever she can, no it's cold, or cool, but why?! She could do what she wants but sometimes I get cold just looking at her. To make it worse, she never wears shoes in the morning! Ever. So her feet are always freezing!

'David dead'. That's a thing around here. David shoots down dad with his 'blah blah blah!' and Jesus acts dead. Since he's doing great at mimicking, thats David playing dead. 

I asked the bugs to pretend to be dead because their dad wanted them for a background picture on their phone, one of those pictures made the cut, lol. 

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