May 29, 2014


My little babe Dave is huge on cars, as I'm sure that I have mentioned before. He used to be a lot more greedy about sharing his 'caa's' a couple months ago but has slowly learned to have his favorites. Certain cars are completely off limits to others, only he can hold them. He has slept holding onto a specific yellow one countless times and has a grasp on it that makes it hard to believe that he is really asleep. 

Last weekend, I was out in the garage cleaning up a bit and he calmly joined me with a bucket of cars. He began to to ace them down the driveway over and over and continue to laugh each time that they crashed into each other. He's a cutie, I tell'ya. Anyway, he must've gotten over racing them so he began to park them over on my moms car bumper (which is where I found them later that evening) and on her... Grill? Is that what the front of the car is called? 

When I snapped the picture of his cars, he was so proud! I can swear his little chest even popped out. He smiled, I mean smiled smiled! And he clapped and high-fived me for taking the picture. He even looked over at me like 'do you need to take more? That's it?' A proud son I have. And a proud mama I am. 

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