December 13, 2013

Forgot What It's Like To Work

People say they work hard. And they also say that they need time off from all the stress at work. I agree with taking time off and blowing some steam every now and then. I also half believe when people say they work hard. But then, there's a couple of individuals whom I personally know that really do work hard. And they happen to not have days off. Like, not one single day of the week. These people work everyday of the year except for Thanksgiving day and Christmas Day. That is two days, t-w-o, of the year that they have off. How many days are in a year again? 357? Hm. This has really changed my perspective on individuals who take days off because one or two days off a week is not enough. 

Erhrm, if I may. I know it's been a while since I worked the retail and school world (the only jobs I ever had) and I definitely don't have a 'career' job so maybe I shouldn't judge. But I really can't help it. 

Ever since I've had the kids, I think about the friends that I had and what their life is/was all about, including my own. I don't think they will understand how much more they can each due right now that they don't have responsibilities (kids, husbands, mortgage/rent, bills, businesses, etc). Having things and people to worry about really brings things into a whole different light. It has its pros, and definitely comes with some cons. 

I won't say something cheesy like 'at the end of the day' because I would be lying, but there are moments in my day, or sometimes during my week, where I am just really thankful for the fact that this is where my life is. In an upstairs apartment with my kids crying and stomping, and my husband walking in after a long hard day at his shop, and my dinner not being a top-notch thing (usually I miss an ingredient), and my hair being up in a bun (because that seems to be the only thing I can do), and my ideas finally being put out on clothes!, and being behind on a bill (or two). The point is that I like these times. And I wish I can sleep through the bad times sometimes. But I'm glad that I am here with these people called my family.

My husband is that person that works everyday. All day. I think he might even work in his sleep! I don't tell him how grateful I am for everything he does for our family but I will. Right now:

Thank you Jesus! For working everyday. All day. BEFORE the crack of dawn and past the sun goes down. Everyday. You have made this family happen. Day after day. Week after week. Month after month. And year after year. 

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